Hi everyone. Hard to believe it is the end of November already. We only have one more day after today, then it is December. This month has had a lot of obstacles that prevented me from doing all the things I wanted to do.
The first part of the month, I was still escorting my mom to her doctor appointments because of her knee surgery. There was an appointment practically every day it seemed like. Towards the middle of the month she could get in her car and drive. She first had to learn how to get in and out without getting stuck. My car is higher off the ground than hers. She figured it out though, and she has been driving herself to places ever since.
Even though my mom had appointments that didn’t stop me and the boys from having them too. It seemed like every time I turned around I had an appointment or the boys did. This was mainly when I wasn’t doing my mom’s appointments too.

I did some world building in my Predators of Darkness book. “Stryker” is on its way and I designed its cover this month, too. I don’t plan to share it though until I do a cover reveal tour with one of my favorite book tour services. The nice thing, though, was being able to sit down and write out part of the first chapter. It took some time but eventually I found Cade’s voice and Stryker’s too. They start the book out and I plan to bring Kara in soon.
Another thing I have accomplished is getting a few more chapters edited for “The SwordMaster Brothers.” My deadline is coming up for this one and it is due January 31st. But I am only like halfway through the first round of edits. Hopefully, I can get it done by the end of December or mid-December. That way, Allison has time to check it over and see if it needs another go through or not. I have to do a bit of re-writing so that is taking so long with this edit.
What did you all do this month? I feel like I accomplished more than a little with everything that was going on. What did you accomplish?