What's the best writer moment you've experienced?
I would have to say I am torn between when I wrote, “The Sunflower Meadow,” and did my first vendor show with my books. When I was writing, “The Sunflower Meadow,” I felt for the first time like I could accomplish a book with a deadline.
It was an easy book to write, and my creative brain was challenged with it. Right now I am having the same experience writing, “The Emerald Knight.” I think I do better at writing books when I have more time to dive into the overall story of the world I am creating.
My Tarzinëa books have always seemed easier to write. Then Gargoyle Sighted was a splendid book to write, but it took me over a year to write it. I want to get where I can sit down and enjoy the process and finish a book and be proud.
At my first vendor show I would say I learned a lot. First, it was a struggle to talk to people about my books. Had issues with deciding what was the best thing to describe each book and which book would fit each person. In the end I didn’t sell that many books but I sold one at the end. It was a learning experience and that one sell made me want to try doing shows again.