Dear Journal,
It is April 9, 2024. Currently life is good with the family. We only have the usual financial struggles like any other family that has one parent working. The reason I don't work is because I need to be there to pick up my boys and take them to school. Plus, I have so many doctor appointments that I wouldn't be able to work it around a job schedule. And, now I have the boys with doctor appointments practically three to four times a week. It makes getting a job hard.
So, what did I do to help Ben, my fiancé with finances? I decided to start my own business. That is here called: Storyteller Publisher 22, LLC. On top of that I write books as an author so that led me to wanting to start working with authors too. One day I plan to publish authors through my business but that might be a few years away.
As for my writing career having an author service business makes it hard to write. I struggle with depression and other mental illnesses on top of things. This leads to having creative block and other things. But, I have written an entire series of short stories, three novellas, and one novel so far. I'm currently working on my next novel in the same series. The Seeker Games is fun to write at times then I get stuck with having to write something so long. Which has lead me to working on it for two years now. I don't care if it kills me I am getting it out this summer or fall if it is the last thing I do.
I want to do so much that there aren't enough hours in a day. My health isn't that great and I plan to start working on that because I am getting married in the September of 2025. We are planning a casual party after a casual ceremony. The plan is to keep it simple due to a tight budget. But it still looks like we are going to be paying almost 10k. Which I think is nuts but everything is so expensive now. My sister got married like 16 years ago and we were able to do it under 5k. Sucks how the economy has changed.
This was a break down of where I am at right now and plan to write about my journey through life. Hopefully, you will join me by reading these posts as I make them. I will drop things from my books in here periodically as time comes.