Hi everyone. Today I am featuring "The Coven Series" by: Drako. He just released book 3 back in September. Make sure to check out all the books in the series. You will also find sneak peeks from all the books below along with a giveaway to enter. Happy reading :).

Three witches take on the ancient lineage of the Coven, witches tasked with fighting supernatural forces. The Coven grows and so do their problems.
The Coven Book 3
by: Drako
Genre: LGTQ Paranormal Romance
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Talis went into his father’s room and went through his clothes.
“God, Dad, why are you so flamboyant?” He muttered as he went through the large selection of clothes.
“Only you would come into my room without asking first.” Wes was standing several feet away leaning against the wall casually.
“Only you wouldn’t think to bring me some normal damn clothes,” Talis shot back.
“Maybe I did and didn’t tell you,” Wes pointed out.
“I don’t have time for your bullshit, Dad,” Talis told him exasperatedly.
Wes rolled his eyes. “Let me help, at least. You’ll spend all day and hate everything even if it looks great on you.”
Talis glared at his father but finally agreed. Wes swiftly picked out an outfit, black slacks, and a button-down shirt to match, with a blue button up vest to go over it. Black socks and some casual slip-on shoes completed the outfit.
“Dad, there’s this wonderful invention called jeans. You should try it,” Talis pointed out sarcastically.
“Shut up and put on the damn clothes,” Wes ordered.
Talis scowled but did as he was told. As he did, he had the thought cross his mind that normally he’d change alone. He didn’t much care now. Once he was fully dressed, his father stepped behind him and pulled his hair back, tying it so that it would not fall in his face but still hung low.
“You look so much better this way,” Wes commented.
“Fuck off, Dad,” Talis responded.
“Ah, so it’s my turn to have one of these in-depth emotional discussions.” Wes walked away to take a seat in a chair by a window. “Let me make this simple for you. I am not apologizing for not honoring that one part of your wishes. You are my son, and I love you. I do not appreciate you being put in a position to have to sacrifice everything for the sake of everyone but yourself. I do not appreciate you losing your life when you had so much more to live. You have a husband and now, a son. You have reasons to continue living. I had the means and the ability to bring you back, so I did.”
It's been several months since the noble sacrifice of Talis to save his family and the world. Dion, his husband, has been contemplating changes. It's painful to be in his husband's home with his family while he isn't there to enjoy. He's done as he was asked and taken on a lead role in the Coven alongside his sister-in-law, Teryn, and her husband, Cian. But without Talis, the world just doesn't feel right. Little do they know, this isn't the end at all.
The threat of the same Dark God rises again, and with it, the Coven needs their leader back. Talis returns to the land of the living thanks to untapped and unexplored magic from the Fair People to find that not everything was as he'd left it. It's time to venture to the land of the Fair People, Albion, to make one more stand against the very force that cost him his life before. This time, he's not fighting alone. The Coven gathers to fight back the darkness and to keep their fearless leader with the other half of his soul.
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The Coven Book 2
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Teryn and Cian walked into the kitchen at the same time as Talis and Dion.
“So, did anyone actually cook today?” Talis asked.
“Sleep sounded like a better idea,” Teryn replied.
“So, we’re making sandwiches then?” Dion asked.
Cian went to the refrigerator and peered inside. “We’ve got leftover baked chicken. Sounds like a plan.”
Companionable silence descended as they worked together to fix their easy meal. They stood around the kitchen island to fix their sandwiches and to eat.
“So, this is cozy,” Teryn ventured.
“It’s weird,” Talis muttered.
“Normal is overrated, remember?” Cian reminded him of his own casual saying.
“Ok, true, but it’s weird knowing we were all doing the same thing and had the same idea after,” Talis replied.
“Pretty sure there were some differences,” Dion added.
“Sex, shower, deep emotional conversation we wouldn’t normally have, then feed,” Teryn listed.
“Ok, that’s beyond weird. It’s creepy,” Dion told her.
“But it explains so much.” Talis smirked at his sister. “My loving sister is already getting mood swings, and she had an emotional moment that I picked up on to have my own.”
Teryn flipped him off and Cian laughed.
“Someone fill me in,” Dion requested. “I’ve clearly missed something.”
“Teryn’s pregnant,” Talis said simply.
“Gods I hate men,” Teryn griped before taking an aggressive bite out of her sandwich.
“So, what happened?” Talis asked her.
Teryn refused to answer, instead just glaring at him.
“The button broke on her jeans as she was trying to get out of them,” Cian answered for her.
Teryn scowled. “Why would you tell Talis that? I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I fail to see why I’d have anything to say on that,” Talis said with mock indignation. “Gaining weight is natural when you’re pregnant.”
“Bite me, jackass. What was your moment about?” she demanded.
Talis took a page out of her book and refused to answer, so Dion did it for him.
“Anthony came up in conversation.”
Teryn smirked at her brother. “Explain that, jerk.”
“Oh fun, I see you’ve entered into full bitch mode,” Talis said sarcastically.
“I’m pregnant, you dick. I’ve got a reason. What’s your excuse?”
“Empath,” Talis said simply.
“It’s also who he is as a person,” Cian added.
Talis flipped him off. “That’s the last time I’ll be on your side for anything.”
“That still makes you a dick,” Cian replied.
“Why do we never have adult conversations?” Dion wondered aloud.
“Because Talis is a dick, Cian’s an asshole, and I’m stuck with both of them,” Teryn supplied.
“And you’re still a bitch,” Talis added.
Teryn shrugged. “At least I’m the head bitch in charge.”
“So, you’re taking over as head of the Coven then?” Talis asked.
“In charge of the manor,” Teryn corrected.
“That doesn’t help me at all.” Talis bit into his sandwich.
Dion shook his head. “I married into a family of lunatics.”
“I said the same thing,” Cian agreed.
The life of a witch is ever changing. After the greatest test the Coven has ever faced, Talis and Dion settle in happily married life. But Talis is the head of the Coven, and his life will never be simple. He has responsibilities far above and beyond what he had anticipated and ever increasing powers to master. With all this, there is the certainty that darkness never sleeps, and now comes a true test of more than just ability, but the strength of his will. As Teryn and Cian prepare to welcome a new addition to the family, Talis and Dion's work just begins as insecurity and outside forces come together to threaten their marriage. Beneath it all is a sinister force older and more powerful than any ever known, threatening not only to tear them all apart but the world as they know it.
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Bewitched Souls
The Coven Book 1
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After dinner, Talis went out for a walk. He needed time to clear his head. Maybe blasting demons would relieve some stress. However, that plan didn’t last long as Dion soon joined him.
“Hope you don’t mind if I join you.”
“Feel free,” Talis replied, not sure whether to be irritated or happy that Dion had come after him.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You just asked me one, but feel free to ask me another,” Talis replied with a smile.
“Are you upset with me?” Dion asked. “I know I just showed up and dumped a lot on you. I guess I’d understand if you were a bit pissed off.”
Talis stopped walking and looked at him. “Why would you think I’m upset with you?”
“You’re not the same as before with me. And the topic of us being together seems to really bother you.”
Talis sighed. “It’s not that it bothers me. It’s just that I’m not sure this is real.”
Dion stared at him for several moments before responding. “Do you think I’d come here just to toy with you? I’ve done a lot that I’m not proud of, but I could never play games with you like that.”
“You were quite adamant that you were straight when we were friends before,” Talis argued. “I don’t see what changed.”
“Being without you in my life made me realize that I had a friend that could have and should have been more. Everything I needed I could have had in you. I just don’t know how to show you I’m serious.”
“Do something you’ve never done before,” Talis suggested.
Dion frowned and his gaze fell on Talis’ lips. Talis’ mouth twitched at the shift in Dion’s gaze. He was nervous and that was just odd for him. Dion, however, had his mind set. He pulled Talis towards him and brought their lips together. The kiss started off soft and tentative. Dion felt something go through him that he’d never felt before and deepened the kiss, his tongue parting Talis’ lips to venture inside. His arms wrapped around Talis’ waist and held him to him possessively. Talis was caught in a rapture of emotion. His sixth sense opened and all of Dion’s emotion poured into him. The strength of Dion’s feelings for him was so overwhelming that he eventually had to break away to stop it and regain himself.
“What’s wrong?” Dion asked, a hurt look on his face.
“Nothing to worry about,” Talis replied breathlessly, still waiting for his senses to adjust. “That was a bit more than expected.”
Dion gave him a puzzled look. “You didn’t want me to kiss you?”
Talis cursed his own fumbling of words and tried a better explanation. “The kiss was great. It’s just that I’m an empath and that kiss opened up all of your emotions to me. That was more than I could handle at once.”
“So, the kiss was great, huh?” Dion teased.
Talis rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to make your head any bigger.”
Dion grinned. “So, what you’re really saying is that I rocked your world.”
“I reserve the right to answer that later. Let’s get back to the house.”
The Coven is a special group of witches given charge of the manor on Genum Island, and Talis is considered the head and strongest of it. Joined by his sister, Teryn, and her husband, Cian, they protect their magic based home from the forces of darkness who seek the mysterious power of their home. It's all routine, until Talis' old crush shows up with a strong desire to take the head witch for himself.
Dion has come to terms with what he wants, and that's Talis. He has a lot to make up for, but with him comes trouble. Hot on his tail is his ex-girlfriend, and with her is a demon who has a craving for souls and a rise to her former glory.
The Coven has no choice but to stand against the greatest threat they've ever faced. How far will they go to save a soul?
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Drako was born in 1987 in St. Louis, Missouri. He is mainly a fantasy writer, though he also writes some poetry and general fiction. He is very active on both twitter and facebook and has his own website at www.drakosden.net which is frequently updated with news on his books and fun extras. When he isn't writing, he's busy helping take care of his nieces, playing videogames, reading, promoting, and spending time with family.
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This looks like a book I will thoroughly enjoy. Thanks for sharing.