A Father's Protection
Tales of Ferrês Short #1

The land beyond The Forest of Ferrês belongs to the kyres mortal enemies the twin-tailed foxes. Standing on the borders DarkDeath will have to plunge into the unknown to save his adventurous pup. Will he be able to find Digger and make it out alive? The battle to protect his own will test his strength when DarkDeath faces off against an old rival. How far can he be pushed to protect one he loves dearly?
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What Readers are Saying!
"...While reading this story i saw a hidden message. Love is strength and embracing love gives you more power than hiding your emotions.
A father's love as no bounds."
E.J. Bennett / Author / Goodreads Reviewer
"This story is short and touching. Very good and well written. This reminds me of Disney with the talking animals. Only there is a little more adult content. I definitely recommend the book and series"
Alan Boggs / Goodreads Reviewer
Sneak Peek Inside the Story!
Water crashed onto the rocks, sprinkling droplets through the air. The water made his fur slick and plastered to his back. The burbling brook played a song all its own. He couldn’t stop himself as he drifted off to the melody of nature’s music. Bees buzzed, butterflies fluttered, little paws scrambled across the earth, and DarkDeath lay there enjoying the peace it brought him. His mind once full of worry, responsibility, and nerves now sat still as stone. He raised his massive wolf's body and stretched. His tail went straight as he arched his back and dug his claws into the dirt to flex his stiff muscles. The sun filtered through the trees and rested on his flank. Warmth filled him. Gods, I love days like today. No snow, no rain, just beautiful sun and a relaxing breeze.
He sucked fresh air through his nose and relished its scent. The aroma of wildflowers tickled his nose. His mind brushed against nearby animals that scurried around the woods. Sparks of magic shifted through the air and his fur, relaxing his nerves beneath their heat. He loved spring, unlike SnowFire, his mate. She loved the winter and the icy breezes it brought. This was because of her magic abilities over snow and ice. She could bend the will of nature’s snowy wrath down on those she hated. DarkDeath didn’t use magic like she did. His power was in his strength and what he could do with his claws. He enjoyed the sunny days because they kept his aging body away from the cold. He loved SnowFire to death, but her love for snow and ice always put a weight on their relationship.
All the more reason to enjoy this day as much as possible. Sooner than I want, summer will be over and snow will start once again. He dreaded another month in the caves with the pups. They were too rambunctious and energetic for him, but until they were a few weeks older, it wouldn’t be safe to let them out of the cave. The waiting is unbearable. I can live without a pup using my tail for a chew toy or snapping at my ears. The chill had kept him captive long enough. Soon the weather would clear and more days like today would come. That means SnowFire will start her complaining routine like always. She just can’t take the heat like I can.
DarkDeath looked around the lake and took in the magnificent scenery. Trees circled him and towered high into the sky. Flowers sprang up from the sides of boulders all around the lake. The waterfall was the centerpiece, cascading downward over moss-covered rocks. Mist flew up into the air, glittering in the sunlight. He thought about climbing to the top of the waterfall and wondered what it would feel like to jump into its dark depths. Fire sparked in his eyes. Yeah, a dip sounds nice right about now. In two giant leaps he stood on top of the cliff, looking down upon the water below. A scent familiar to him carried on the breeze. DarkDeath looked out to see a black wolf drawing closer to his location. The black wolf with a white moon crest across her chest stepped up to the pool of water. BlackMoon sat down and looked up at him in all his glory. She tilted her head to the side and cocked an ear. Looks like I get to have an audience.
He backed up a few yards, then crouched down with his rear end up in the air. His nails dug into the rock and he lunged forward. DarkDeath sped to the edge and leaped with all his strength, flying through the air until the water collided with his body. By the goddess this is ice-cold! It seeped into his fur and went up his nose. DarkDeath’s lungs burned as he fought his way towards the surface. He finally broke through, gasping for air then panting like crazy to bring his racing heart back to a steady speed. His head stayed above water as he treaded over to where his daughter sat. That wasn’t the best of decisions.
BlackMoon’s tail wagged as he approached. His paws hit the grass, and he dug his nails into the ground to pull himself free of the water. She stepped back to give him room. Probably a good idea since I need to do this. He smiled as he shook his entire body. Water sprayed everywhere, and BlackMoon was the victim of his assault. DarkDeath let loose a hearty laugh as BlackMoon crouched to her stomach and covered her head with her paws. “Why did you do that?”
“Need to dry off somehow.”
“Sounds like you two are having a good time.”
DarkDeath turned his head toward the trees behind his daughter. Out of the shadows, another kyre stepped forward. He had silver fur with white paws and a scar stretched over his right eye. DarkDeath recognized him immediately.
“Scar! What are you doing here?”
“Thought I would see what trouble you were getting yourself into without the queen by your side,” Scar said with a grin.
DarkDeath made a point of shaking his fur to rid himself of the remaining water. BlackMoon huffed at him and sat back on her haunches, while Scar sat down and tilted his head. DarkDeath smirked.
“Oh...nothing. I was just thinking I should have come sooner,” Scar said. “That way I could have seen how far you can fly.”
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